Oberman Law Firm

Top 10 Human Resource Mistakes in Dental Practices

As a rule, Stuart Oberman observes, HR in the dental practices he works with is “non-existent,” and remediating those lapses

Dental Associate Contracts

What are some of the key provisions in effective dental associate contracts? What form of non-compete is permissible and defendable?

What You Need to Know When You Terminate an Employee

In Stuart Oberman’s experience with clients, the biggest problem he sees with employee terminations is the absence of a plan,

A Checklist for Hiring New Employees

After hiring a new employee, it is crucial to follow a set of onboarding processes that involve an offer letter,

Growing Your Practice Through Effective Leadership, with Eric Morin, Tower Leadership

In a few years, Eric Morin argues, few dental practices will have less than $1 million in revenues. In this

Employer Job Interviews and Covid-19 Questions

The hot question for dental practices seeking to hire is whether they can ask candidates about their vaccination status. The

Must Have Covid-19 Policies for Employers (Dental Law Radio)

As Covid-19 cases continue to rise, so do the questions about handling Covid-19 policies for employees in your dental practice.

Covid-19/Delta Variant Mandates & Legal Liability (Dental Law Radio)

There is a lot to think about when diving into Covid-19 mandates within your practice. Host of Dental Law Radio,

The DSO Deal – What You Better Know (Dental Law Radio)

Within the next few years, it’s likely that 60% to 70% of all dental practices will be owned by a

Are You Violating Federal Law in the Interview Process? (Dental Law Radio)

Many people think that ADA guidelines only apply once an employee has been hired. However, there have been instances where