Oberman Law Firm

Applying Risk Management to HR

When developing a risk management plan for your practice, there are a number of areas to focus on. One of the most important aspects you need to focus on is the health and safety of your employees as well as the health and safety of any civilians too. For help with this, it might be worth using the safety and risk management services from companies like ICW Group. That should help more businesses to improve their health and safety. There are a lot of risks that could develop into troubling scenarios so it’s important that life is preserved wherever possible. For example, if there was ever a fire, you would need to have a plan in place for a building evacuation and have some members of staff trained in CPR if anyone gets injured. Senior staff members, like supervisors and managers, should attend a course similar to the Coast2Coast First Aid North York so that they are fully equipped with the knowledge they need to perform CPR if ever needed. That of course is a scenario but it’s important to be prepared for the worst. This general list will get you started, but it is very important that you identify and evaluate the risks unique to your own practice. To ensure you’re all prepared for these events, it might be worth getting your employees to participate in emergency plans and incident management training to make sure they all know what to do when a tragic event happens. If your employees all know what to do and where to go, it should lower the chances of anything devasting happening to one of your employees. Be sure to prepare for these events to ensure the staff is comfortable if any of these things do happen. It’s also important to consider some of the HR roles too.

HR Activity
Potential Considerations
Compensation and benefits
  • Who has signing authority?
  • How many signatures are required?
  • Are there checks and balances?
  • Was a complete screening completed on potential applicants?
  • Were provincial human rights laws observed?
  • Is there a set probationary period?
  • Were promises made to the candidate that cannot be honored?
  • Did the employee sign off on the policies and contract of employment before being hired?
Occupational Health and Safety
  • Do we provide safe working conditions and do we conduct safety checks regularly?
  • Do we provide adequate training for staff?
  • Do we ensure the use of appropriate clothing and safety equipment?
  • Do we have adequate policies, procedures, and committee in place?
Employee Supervision
  • Do we provide sufficient orientation and training?
  • Do we provide adequate supervision (especially for activities that occur off-site or after hours)?
  • Do we have a performance management system in place?
  • Are personal information protection guidelines followed?
Employee Conduct
  • Do we have clearly written position descriptions for all positions?
  • Do we follow up when the parameters of the job description are not respected?
  • Do we provide thorough orientation and training?
  • Do we provide an employee handbook?
  • Do we have comprehensive policies and procedures?
  • Do we provide ongoing training about our policies and procedures?
  • Do we retain written records of performance issues?
  • Do we ensure that organizational valuables are secure?
  • Do we have cash management procedures?
  • Do we have adequate harassment policies and procedures?
Exiting Employee

  • Do we retrieve organizational information and equipment that a dismissed employee used (especially from home)?
  • Do we ensure that all access codes, passwords, etc are de-activated?
  • Do we conduct an exit interview?
  • Do we record lieu time and vacation balances?


Stuart J. Oberman, Esq.
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