Oberman Law Firm

HIPAA Security Checklist: Anti-Virus Checklist

Anti-Virus Checklist 

  • Policies should be in place requiring use of anti-virus software.
  • All staff should understand and agree that they should not hinder the operation of anti-virus software.
  • All staff should know how to recognize possible symptoms of viruses or malware on their computers.
  • All staff should know what to do to avoid virus/malware infections.
  • Anti-virus software should be installed and operating effectively on each computer in compliance with manufacturer recommendations.
  • Anti-virus software should be set up to allow automatic updates from the manufacturer.
  • Anti-virus software should be fully up-to-date according to manufacturer’s standards.
  • Handheld or mobile devices should support anti-virus software.


Stuart J. Oberman, Esq.
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