Oberman Law Firm

Cybersecurity Program Development

Security for any company is an essential feature, which is why companies must consult a Cyber Security Company or attend

Top 10 Cyber Risks Facing Your Business

Within the past several years, technological advances have swept the business industry. The dramatic increase in technology used daily has

Estate Planning – Papers to Gather

As a business owner, your estate planning is crucial to address personal matters as well as business matters. Below is

Opening a New Business Timeline

10-12 Months Before Opening • Create a thorough business plan • Develop your business philosophy • Determine all major expenditures

Legal Issues Regarding Business Transitions

In addition to financial issues and considerations, there are numerous legal issues involved in a transition. An attorney experienced in

Patient Record Release Authorization Elements

Many patient record release forms do not follow the strict guidelines required for HIPAA compliance. Dentists using these forms face

When You Should Update Your Will

You should update your Will and Estate Planning where the following occurs: • Your Will is older than three years

Top 9 Reasons to Have an Employee Handbook

Many business owners become bogged down by paperwork and put off implementing (or even having) an employee handbook. However, an

Recording a Comprehensive Medical History

Before any procedure, a dentist should always review the patient’s file and medical history. The medical history allows the dentist

Informed Consent from Minors and the Mentally Disabled

Obtaining informed consent from a competent adult appears relatively easy. However, receiving informed consent from a minor or mentally impaired/