Oberman Law Firm


Navigating Third-Party Risk

Regulatory transactions and governmental enforcement increasingly compel companies to examine their business relationships in order to assess risk and comply with regulatory mandates.

Increasing dependence on third-party relationships, coupled with increasing regulatory and public oversight, exposes organizations to a host of new and serious risk and compliance issues. With this shift toward third-party-driven business models, managing third-party risk has taken on a renewed sense of urgency.

Oberman Law Firm’s client-centric solutions are designed to help organizations reduce costs, increase quality, and help to improve employee and customer experiences. These solutions leverage artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other technologies to re-engineer customer due diligence, transaction monitoring, and sanctions management processes.

Internal Audit Risk & Compliance Services

Faced with new market opportunities, ongoing economic challenges, increased pressure to improve risk management effectiveness, and unprecedented regulatory requirements in areas such as consumer credit regulations, many organizations are recognizing the need to transform their internal audit and risk management functions to turn these disruptive forces into opportunities.

As the business and regulatory environments continue to evolve, organizations face emerging risks that challenge traditional strategies and assumptions. In this environment, resilience is the key to organizational survival, and companies need to achieve a balance of governance, risk management, regulatory compliance, and performance.

Oberman Law Firm’s Internal Audit Risk & Compliance Services deploys multidisciplinary teams of professionals experienced in financial and operational internal auditing, IT, fraud analytics and risk assessment, shared services, finance management, treasury, and financial instruments, and the supply chain to augment and enhance an organizations’ existing internal audit capabilities.

Oberman Law Firm practice works with internal audit directors and audit committees to develop a quality internal audit function that delivers strategic business assurance, identifies business opportunities, and enhances organizational value.