Oberman Law Firm



As we continue to expand on a national basis, we have a clear vision as to what Oberman Law Firm will look like in the future. With the implementation of 2023-2024 Project Growth Strategy, our lateral partner expansion goals are clear and driven by our Firm’s wide sense of purpose.

As a Firm, we are guided by a strategic plan for our lateral partners, which carefully takes into consideration our Firm’s vision for success, defined cultural values, our core industries and practice areas.

We invest in the professional development of our lateral partners, which includes a comprehensive strategy that seeks to develop their core competencies, leadership, client impact, and professional excellence.

Since Oberman Law Firm was founded, we have established our ourselves as an innovative and entrepreneurial law firm that is deeply committed to our core values, people, clients and community.

Your career begins at Oberman Law Firm, where extraordinarily talented professionals are on a clear path to success and contributions are rewarded.